Time gated Phasor

Phasor approach is powerful technique for visualization and analysis of lifetime images. Here we show the application of this approach to different gate settings (number of time gates, total measurement window...


Time Gated Phasor Example 2

To start download the image from the link below :

After selecting the Timegatedphasor from plugins menu, a dialogue window will appear. The calibration process and the description about the menu is described here choose Global Two components and press OK. The phasor and the fitted line will shown.
The Unmixed components denoted by X1 and X2 and the Overlay image is also demonstrated. The lifetimes of the first and second component are also estimated. This method assumes an inavariant lifetime in the image and it is also considered that there are two components with different lifetimes. The accuracy of estimation depends also on gate configuration.


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